(818) 427-9821
Air conditioning and heating maintenance:
As the seasons change and bring new weather and climate changes so does our need to use our Heating and
Air Conditioning system. A lot of times we might think that our furnace or air conditioning is operating correctly.
However, this may not be the case. Not servicing your unit will cost your system to prematurely age, break down
more frequently and bring your electric bill up. An annual or biannual maintenance is as important as changing the oil or checking the water level in a car.
Our Maintenance includes:
- Replacing the heating and air conditioning air filter
- Oiling the blower motor, condenser motor, inducer motor and all moving parts.
- Cleaning and adjusting all of the electrical components
- Checking and calibrating the thermostat
- Checking for natural gas leaks inside the furnace
- Vacuuming the return